Fleur Green

This is a record of my studies and travels from 2006.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


scratches of sound
pitterpatter of depressed keys
flapping bats
waiting for the wonderous moon
to release them

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


First lesson with Vanessa. Overwhelmed. Excited... Back in Kindergarten...
Saw great musos today. Inspiring.
I will be very challenged this year.
I feel tiny ~ and not in a bad way!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Beginning again.

I'm back into things in Adelaide. I've just finished playing for Windmill Performing Arts again. We did a sweet production called "the story of the little gentleman." Paul Blackwell and Michael Newbold were AMAZING. I was playing violin in the quartet and was Musical Director. It was great fun.
So the next thing is a concert on September 11th. It's a minimalist concert, and I'm playing with Jamie which has been so much fun. We'll perform Nagoya Marimbas, Clapping Music, Rhythm Song, To the Earth, and new work by Phil Noack. We're doing Riley's In C too, so I'm quite excited. It's all refreshing music to prepare and perform, and great to be working with other Adelaide musos for In C.
That's the last of my adelaide music work for a while.
I'm moving to Brisbane next Saturday to work with Vanessa Tomlinson. I'm really excited about it. It's about time I moved to a new place, and tropical weather can't be bad!